Good treatment of your workforce is one of the most important things as an employer. Good wages, good working conditions, fair holiday and an appreciative and pleasant employer – it sounds like an ideal workplace. But, are you really doing enough? Because these employers might be completely outshining you.
Ultimately it would appear that adults at work want nothing more than to act like big kids. Whether putting greens, cinemas, bars, dedicated nap rooms or free food, these companies know how to take care of their employees:
Google (California, USA)
Google is the leader of the pack when it comes to staff treatment – their employee perks are becoming things of legend. Staff have access to bowling alleys, yoga, massages, car washes, onsite medical staff and an abundance of free food. One Googler even wrote that ‘Employees are never more than 50 feet away from a well-stocked pantry.’
Dropbox (San Francisco, USA)
This is a company who are doing their best to give Google a run for its money. With free Razor scooters to allow employees to get around the office faster, as well as yoga, fresh juice bar, made-to-order stir fry, a music room complete with instruments and sofa and the ever popular ‘Whisky Fridays’, it’s safe to say employees love it there.
Johnson and Johnson (New Jersey, USA)
They might not have onsite gadgets and games, but Johnson and Johnson do offer a stellar concierge service. Dry cleaning? Unreturned library book? Need to send flowers or post? How about your grocery shopping? They take care of it all. Just ask.
Mars (Virginia, USA)
Mars has the obvious perk of free chocolate, but their pet department gets so much better. The place is teeming with dogs – big or small, puppy or old faithful, they are all welcome. More of a cat person? Take advantage of the dedicated ‘cat room’, where the cats enjoy taunting their canine friends from behind the safety of glass walls.
Discovery (Maryland, USA)
Given the diversity of the Discovery channel, this was a company who were always going to offer some creative perks to their employees. Whether seminars from prominent speakers, chocolate making or African dancing, no day is the same.
Deloitte (New York, USA)
Deloitte are the leaders of holiday time. They offer two sabbatical opportunities: one month unpaid to be taken any time for any reason of the employee’s choice or three to six months for personal growth. Whether you want to teach abroad, save the environment or just write a novel – Deloitte are happy for you to go for it.
Missing Link (Johannesburg, SA)
Designed on the principles that an office should be somewhere employees like to work and clients should like to visit (and talk about), Missing Link really took this brief to the extreme. Containing a tree house, shooting range, a tattoo studio (free for staff and clients), a deli caravan, rock star stage, fireman’s pole and themed offices, it’s a place that has to be seen to be believed.
Burton (Vermont, USA)
For anyone who loves to hit the slopes, this is a dream job. Not only do employees get free season passes for the slopes, but if there’s two feet of snow in 24 hours, the company will close for the day.